Video Deep Dive Registration Page

If you've previously registered for this deep dive, please login to view it
This is a "pay what you can" webinar (click register link for price options). If you're not already a TAGteach member or have not yet had a free trial membership, you'll get 1 free month in the TAGteach Membership.
One of the best ways to learn about TAGteach is to watch excellent TAGteaching in action. The other best way is to try it yourself!
In these Video Deep Dive sessions we're going to watch one or more TAGteach videos and the faculty will give their thoughts on what tools and techniques are used and on what is going on with the learner and the teacher. They'll talk about what's being done well and what other considerations might be given to improvement. They'll provide insight into the arrangement of the learning environment, the tag point design, the instruction and tag point delivery and the reinforcement strategy.
You'll be able to give your thoughts and ask questions as well. This is a fabulous opportunity to learn from the best in an informal setting with real life teaching examples.
This will be recorded and all registrants will have access to the recording.
CEUs are no longer offered for TAGteach webinars.
The TAGteach Faculty are highly skilled and experienced TAGteachers. Everyone on the faculty has been with TAGteach for many years, actively participating in practice with learners and in developing and improving TAGteach. Everyone on the faculty is dedicated to improving learner success and in teaching you to be a better TAGteacher.