Virtual Course - Help Page
How to Get Help
Tech support
If you're having trouble finding something on the course portal, you need help understanding any of the instructions or you're having technical problems with your login or something not functioning please send an email to
Questions about course content or homework
If you have questions about the content of the course please contact your instructor through the "Communicate with Your Instructor" button on the course home page.
You are welcome to send your instructor direct emails, but we prefer that you use the notes for conversations directly related to the course as you will get a quicker response and the conversations will be all be kept together in one place.
Before you ask for help
Please check out the Instruction on How to Use the Course and the Frequently Asked Questions below before you ask us for help. You'll get an answer more quickly and more accurately that way.
Instructions on How to Use the Course
How to bookmark the login and course pages
Please note that this video uses the Level 1 Virtual Instructor-led course as an example. You are in the Level 1 Self-Study course so your course home page will look a bit different from what is shown in the video. The method of logging in and bookmarking the login and course pages is the same for both courses.
How to Navigate Within the Course
When you first access the course you'll see that all the lessons are available to you. Click on the Lesson 1 icon to begin the lesson. The first part of Lesson 1 will explain how the course navigation works.
The final course section entitled "Certificate Download and Certificate Submission" will remain locked until you complete the course and pass the Final Quiz.
How to Edit Your User Profile
How to Download Worksheets and Journal Examples
You will need to download the blank exercise sheet file so that you can do the course exercises as you go along. A completed, typed version of this file is required to earn Level 1 Certification. There is an example of filled in worksheets from a ficititious student named Scott to help you out.
There is also a filled in example of a journal from Scott. You can download these from Lesson 1 in the Journal and Exercises section at the bottom where it says "Available Deliverables".

Click on the download button, navigate on your computer to the folder where you want to store these files and click on the save button.
How to Submit Your Journal, Worksheets and Videos
You will only get access to the area for submitting your Worksheets, Journal and Videos once you have completed the course and passed the quiz. The process is explained here so that you know what to do, but you will not have access to do the submissions until you complete the course.
You will be able to see the status checklist on the course homepage and on the Homework Submission Page.
You must submit one note for each of the homework checkboxes on the Homework Submission page for your course (see video above). Once the instructor approves the note, the box for that homework item gets checked off automatically.
Once your instructor has replied you can start a new note for the same Homework Module. If your instructor has not replied you can add additional information by editing your note. See below for instructions on how to edit your notes.
How to Edit Homework Notes
You can to edit a previously submitted note to add additional text or add additional attachments as long as your instructor has not replied. If you see a pencil icon beside your note, then you can edit and resubmit. Your instructor may have seen the note, but not yet replied, so if you want to change your note, it would be best to put the change below the original text so that your instructor will know that this is new info for them to review.
In the screenshot below you can see the pencil icon which indicates that this note can be edited

Frequently Asked Questions
I registered for the course and got a receipt, but when I log in the course is still locked, what should I do?
This happens when you have 2 different accounts with us. You may have purchased the course without logging in and used a different email from one you used previously to register for something with us. Please check to see that the email you're using in the login box is the same one that your course welcome email was addressed to. If you do discover that you have two accounts please send an email to and tell us which one you want them both merged into. Also send us an email if you are locked out and you don't have 2 accounts.
Is there a time limit to complete the course?
There's no time limit. The course will remain accessible to you indefinitely.
Can I access the course even after I complete it?
Yes, you will have indefinite access to the course.
How do I get my Level 1 Certification?
There are 3 requirements to complete your Level 1 Certification
1. Complete the Level 1 self-study course
2. Pass the quiz - this will become available on the course page on the 5th week of the course
3. Submit you Journal, Worksheets and 3 Videos
Once all the requirements are met you'll receive a welcome email and 3 free months in the TAGteach Membership.
How do I access my Level 1 Certificate, badge and member logo?
Once you have met all the requirements for Level 1 you will be able to access the TAGteacher page from the main Membership Dashboard on
You can find this as shown on the screenshot below. If you are not taken to the dashboard when you first login, you can access it from the Dashboard link in the top menu.

How do I access my 3 month free trial in the TAGteach Membership?
You will automatically be given the 3 month free trial. You'll get a welcome email with information about the membership. You login the same as you do to access the course, but you'll find that there are many more icons that have turned color and are now accessible to you.
If you're already a paying member you won't get the free trial. Please contact to have your monthly payments deferred by 3 months instead.
What happens at the end of the free trial?
At the end of the free trial you'll receive an email reminding you that it's coming to an end. If you don't do anything your trial membership will expire. It will not automatically convert to a paid membership. If you wish to continue your membership you will need to subscribe specifically.
There are 2 levels of membership:
1. Full access - this is what you get in the free trial
2. Limited TAGteacher - this costs $5/month or $50/year and is all you need to maintain your certification and your listing in the TAGteacher Directory and access to the TAGteacher page.
You can see the options and manage your membership by going to My Account > My Orders and Membership
Why are there 2 different certificates?
There are 2 certificates available:
1. The Introduction to TAGteach Online completion certificate - this is course that you have just taken and the certificate proves that you have completed the course and you can use it if you need to show proof for CEUs.
2. Level 1 Certification certificate - this shows that you are a TAGteach member in good standing and that you have earned the Level 1 certification.
Some people don't want the certification and only wish to complete the course. In this case they can pass the quiz and get the course completion certificate without completing all the certification requirements.
How do I submit my Journal, Worksheets and Videos?
Please see the "Instructions on How to Use this Course" section above.