Video Deep Dive Registration Page

If you've previously registered for this deep dive, please login to view it
This is a "pay what you can" webinar (click register link for price options). If you're not already a TAGteach member or have not yet had a free trial membership, you'll get 1 free month in the TAGteach Membership.
One of the best ways to learn about TAGteach is to watch excellent TAGteaching in action. The other best way is to try it yourself!
In these Video Deep Dive sessions we're going to watch one or more TAGteach videos and the faculty will give their thoughts on what tools and techniques are used and on what is going on with the learner and the teacher.
Like last time, we'll watch a video showing excellent TAGteaching and the faculty will give their insights and discuss the tools and techniques they see being employed. You'll get a chance to view a candid conversation with the TAGteach faculty and to ask questions or make your own observations.
The video we're going to watch is a certification submission by Level 2 TAGteacher Kristina Mägi that demonstrates many aspects of TAGteach, including:
- introducing the tagger to a learner
- shaping
- targeting
- capturing
- reinforcer placement
- point of success
- know when to stop
and more
Watching and discussing videos is one of the best ways to learn about the power of TAGteach and to see some of the tools and techniques in action.
Here's what attendees had to say about the first Video Deep Dive:
"It's valuable and really fun to listen in to your discussion; to watch the video and then hear everyone."
"This was amazing! Especially that video of the basketball session. Really educational in how it's put together in real life."
"Very helpful for becoming more precise and effective when teaching. Thank you!"
CEUs are no longer offered for TAGteach webinars.
The TAGteach Faculty are highly skilled and experienced TAGteachers. Everyone on the faculty has been with TAGteach for many years, actively participating in practice with learners and in developing and improving TAGteach. Everyone on the faculty is dedicated to improving learner success and in teaching you to be a better TAGteacher.