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This is a "pay what you can" Q&A session (from $5-$20). If you're not already a TAGteach member or have not yet had a free trial membership, you'll get 1 free month in the TAGteach Membership if you pay $10 or more for this Q&A. There will be no free option on the recording after the fact.
Do you find yourself repeating the same corrections over and over to your riding students? Do they come back week after week and you have to reteach to bring them up to speed before moving on? Have you tried every trick in the book and still are stumped on how to correct some stubborn errors? Do you want to use more positive reinforcement, but find yourself slipping back into telling your students what they're doing wrong? Are you generally happy with your students' progress but sometimes wish things could go more efficiently? Do you have some students who are very hard on themselves and you wish you could get them to ease up and celebrate their progress rather than focusing on the things they need to improve?
Jane Jackson and TAGteach can help with all these things and more! Join for a Q&A session with Jane and members of the TAGteach Faculty and we'll answer your questions about how TAGteach can help. Some things to ask about...
How can I break [skill] down into smaller pieces for my student
I'm stuck and I've tried everything - help!
How can I motivate my student who is struggling and about to give up?
What is a target and how can I get started using targets to help my students succeed?
What is the best tag point to use with a new student?
Can I use TAGteach with my adult students?
PLEASE NOTE: this is for questions about teaching the human student - not about horse training
This is a follow-up to a webinar with Jane on TAGteach for Equestrian Instructors. We recommend that you view the recording of that webinar before attending the Q&A, but it's not essential. Click here for more info on Jane's webinar.
The topic of this Q&A is TAGteach for Equestrian Instructors. We will only be answering questions on this topic and not general questions about TAGteach or about how to teach skills in other disciplines. If you're new to TAGteach you can take our free 1 hour Fundamentals of TAGteach Online course to learn the basics.
Read an article by Jane about using TAGteach to teach a specific riding skill
Here's a video showing a snippet from Jane's webinar:
No CEUs for this one
Jane Jackson is a Level 3 TAGteacher, a Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner, and a coach for Alexandra Kurland’s online course for training horses with positive reinforcement. With many years of experience training horses and teaching riders, Jane currently works primarily with horse and dog owners, with an occasional cat, donkey or other species thrown in. She says her education in TAGteach has proven invaluable in all aspects. A new thrill is watching her toddler granddaughter learn to enjoy nail clipping, be comfortable with wearing a mask, and having injections without tears, because her daughter used TAGteach with all of them.
Jane shares some of her insights and techniques for using TAGteach to help make learning more fun and efficient.
To learn more about Jane, click here to read a TAGteacher Spotlight article