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Martha is the mother of an adult son with severe autism who is non-verbal. Martha discovered TAGteach, Precision Teaching and Direct Instruction when her child was 9 years old and through the application of these was able to teach her son many skills, both physical and academic. Like many autism parents, she wished she had known about these long before her child was 9 years old. Her wish is for all autism parents and professionals to learn about the power of Applied Behavior Analysis and TAGteach so that all children can have as much success as possible as early as possible.
In this webinar Martha will tell you
CEUs are no longer offered for TAGteach webinars.
Martha Gabler MA, is a long time member of the TAGteach Faculty and she has presented on TAGteach many times. She is a popular speaker at conferences and has had several articles published in Autism Parenting magazine.
Martha is the mother of an adult son who is nonverbal and has severe autism. In the early years, with no access to services, she had to find out on her own about and implement Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)-based methods to help him learn. He made great progress with ABA, Verbal Behavior, Direct Instruction, Precision Teaching, and TAGteach. Her son learned so many new skills via TAGteach, and it was so easy and inexpensive to use, that she wrote a book about her experience entitled, Chaos to Calm: Discovering Solutions to the Everyday Problems of Living with Autism.
It's Martha's wish that all autism parents learn about TAGteach and the effective implementation of positive-reinforcement in teaching their children and that they learn about this as early as possible.
RYANO, LLC is an Approved Continuing Education (ACE) (# OP-19-3037) provider and The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (“BACB”) does not sponsor, approve or endorse RYANO, LLC, the materials, information or sessions identified herein.