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This is a "pay what you can" webinar (click register link for price options). If you're not already a TAGteach member or have not yet had a free trial membership, you'll get 1 free month in the TAGteach Membership.
During this webinar we will discuss two TAGteach Tools. One is well known and it is the Focus Funnel. We will dig deeply into its different features and we will see how to adapt the Funnel to every teacher and learner.
The second tool is lesser known and it is called Short Phrase Coaching (SPC). SPC is a new tool to work with learners who have already some knowledge about what we are teaching them and do not need to be tagged to acquire new skills. Everyone can enjoy a little of SPC especially in Practice Time!
You'll learn how to focus your lesson down to the most important elements and how to instruct your learners in the fewest possible words. You'll learn how to create precise and clear tag points and how to take those and turn them into Short Phrase Coaching statements that your learners can use themselves while they are practicing.
CEUs are no longer offered for TAGteach webinars.
Luca is a long-time member of the TAGteach Faculty. Luca holds a Bachelor’s degree In Archaeology from Padova University. He has worked across several fields: TAGteacher, school teacher, special needs school teacher, archaeologist and professional dog trainer.
His experience with TAGteach is widespread and includes; sports training (developing TAGteach procedures for Olympic Archery); writing skills, safety procedures, and management in the school classroom; teaching people to train the pets; and as the father of a wonderful son, Alessandro, he is refining TAGteach as a positive reinforcement tool in parenting. Luca has presented many TAGteach seminars and webinars in universities, classrooms and regional events.
RYANO, LLC is an Approved Continuing Education (ACE) (# OP-19-3037) provider and The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (“BACB”) does not sponsor, approve or endorse RYANO, LLC, the materials, information or sessions identified herein.