What is TAG?
TAG stands for: Teaching with Acoustical Guidance
Teaching- refers to the person facilitating the process
Acoustic- refers to a non-verbal mark, called a tag (usually a ‘tic tac’ sound made by a hand-held tagger)
Guidance- refers to the binary information that is provided by the tag
Tag always and only means “Yes”
Absence of the tag means “self assess and try again”
The video below illustrates a very simple tag point.
The tag point is “finger to nose.” This is easy for the learner to do and easy for the teacher to see and mark with a tag. This type of simple tag point is a good way to begin as a new tag teacher and with new learners.
The teacher tags when the learner performs the tag point correctly.
It is important to note that the teacher tags the observed behavior and not the learner. Tagging is not something the teacher does to a learner, it’s simply a recognition of the target behavior as observed by the teacher. The tag provides information to the learner about the target behavior, it’s not a judgement of the learner.