Course Exercises
At the end of each lesson there are some exercises for you to download and complete. We urge you to do these and record all your answers and observations on the downloadable worksheets. If you plan to complete higher levels of TAGteach certification you will be required to submit your exercise worksheets from this course. To complete the course exercises you will need:
- A tagger (clicker)
- A binder and pen
- Three-hole punched paper (or a paper punch)
- A way to print the worksheets
We suggest that you obtain a 3-ring binder and use this to store the worksheets. In order to help you evaluate your answers to the exercise assignments we have created a fictional person named Scott, who is also taking this course. Scott is also keeping a journal and completing all the course exercises. You can download Scott’s exercise entries at the end of each lesson and compare his answers with yours. In many cases there are no right or wrong answers, so don’t worry if your answers don’t match Scott’s every time.
You may wish to write your exercises by hand when you do them. We have provide the files in Word format so that you can print them out and write on them, or edit them on your computer. If you write them out, please transcribe them into the Word documents before submitting them to us. We are unable to accept scanned hand written Worksheets.
If you are having trouble with the exercises you can always go back into the course lesson and review or you can download Scott’s answers to get some ideas. We hope you will give it a try on your own though, before looking at Scott’s answers.
Please download the worksheets from the links below so that you can access them as required throughout the course. Please save the All Blank Worksheets file to your computer and use Word to edit if you plan to submit it for TAGteach certification.
Download All of Scott’s Worksheets
TAGteach Certification Seminar, North Carolina, 2008. That’s your teacher copying from her little sister’s paper, haha.