TAGteach Terms
We’d really appreciate your help in spreading the proper way of writing our terms and especially that of TAGteach itself!
Here’s the proper way to write TAGteach terms:
Please take special note that TAGteach is written as 1 word with the TAG in upper case and the teach in lower case. TAGteacher and TAGteaching are also written this way.TAG (as acronym for Teaching with Acoustical Guidance) and TAGteach are interchangeable. The other terms such as tag point are written in lower case as two words. When used as a noun or verb, tag is written in lower case.
TAG (as acronym for Teaching with Acoustical Guidance)
tag (as noun or verb)
tagger (can denote the person doing the tagging or the clicker itself)
tag triangle
tag point
focus funnel
point of success
three try rule
peer tagging
tag phrasing
TAGteach script
WOOF (What you Want, One thing, Observable, Five words or less)