Hello everybody. Welcome back. It was great to have that little opportunity to chat. This is Martha Gabler. With us we have TAGteach co-founders Joan Orr and Theresa McKeon, as in all the previous webinars. So here we are at the last webinar. This one is on Questions and Answers.
This is what we covered in the previous webinars.
Part #1: TAGteach Basics.
Part #2: Transitions.
Part #3: Tantrums.
Part #4: Reinforcement.
Lesson Progress
Lesson Navigation
Introduction to Module 5
Q1: Getting Started
Q2: Ask for a Seat
Q3: Tantrum Prevention (and Grocery Store)
Q4: TAGteach in the ASD Classroom
Q5: Why are Kids Happy with TAGteach?
Q6: Educational Experience
Q7: Targetting
Q8: Naming Colors
Q9: Why is TAGteach not Used in ABA Programs?