The Three Try Rule – Example 1
Softball coach Rita gives Mackenzie the tag point during her swing at the ball:
The tag point is… elbow at shoulder level.
Mackenzie takes three swings without hearing a tag.
It is time for the coach to take some action to ensure success for Mackenzie.
Coach Rita suspects that Mackenzie does not know exactly how it feels to have her elbow at shoulder level. She takes this aspect out of the swing and asks Mackenzie to keep the bat still, while raising her elbow. She will tag just as Mackenzie’s elbow gets to the correct position so that she can understand and feel the correct position. Coach Rita then asks Mackenzie to repeat “elbow level” several times until she is confident with the correct placement.
It is always a good idea to take specific aspects out of the full skill and practice these separately when possible.
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Lesson 9: TAGteach Tactics