Communication between teacher and learner is an important part of the TAGteach approach.
This is where you sit down with your learner(s) and discuss what worked well and what could be improved
You may talk about such things as:
- Which tag points were most effective
- Other tag points to try
- Why they did or did not get a tag
- Reinforcement ideas
Communication is a valuable process in the TAGteach method.
We suggest you frequently check in with your learner by asking “what is the tag point?” The best time to talk is immediately after the learner takes their turn while the success or failure to execute the tag point is still fresh in their mind.
Communication is also useful in teasing out what a learner may or may not understand.
Sam is working to learn to ride a two wheeler. His Uncle Kim notices that Sam will start to pedal then stop thus losing momentum so that Sam must put his foot on the ground or fall over.
Uncle Kim says, “why did you stop pedaling?” Sam answers “I didn’t stop!” Uncle Kim grabs his tagger and asks Sam if he can have a turn on the bike. She tells Sam that the tag point is… push the pedal. He asks Sam to tag his action. Now Sam can see consistent pedaling and hear the tag, tag, tag, tag.
Then, it’s Sam’s turn to be tagged. He hops on the bike, kicks off, pedals three times, stops pedaling and puts his foot down.
Uncle Kim says “Good job kiddo! What did you hear?” Sam replies “three tags!” Kim continues, “cool, then what?” Sam says, “Then nothing, I didn’t hear anymore.” Kim says “so what does that tell you?” Sam giggles “that I stopped pedaling.” Uncle Kim says “you wanna try again?” Sam’s answer? He’s already back on the bike…
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Lesson 9: TAGteach Tactics