Practice Example #1
The instructions are to play this video and look at the pictures of children smiling. When the child’s smile displays teeth, you tag (i.e. push the button on your clicker). You will tag the upcoming video each time you see a toothy smile. You can repeat this a few times if you wish to see if your timing improves with practice.
Discussion for this practice exercise:
One of the things we find is that people have a lot of trouble observing behavior, a smile, a pause, anything, because there are so many stimuli in the environment that we are overwhelmed by it.
A good way to practice observation skills is to use pictures and video.
Lesson Progress
Lesson Navigation
Introduction to Module 2
The Focus Funnel
Tagging and Observation Practice
Transitions: School to Home
Other Transitions
Video - Swimming Lesson
Q & A With Karen Pryor