Video 4: Paige and Dog
Martha: Are there any comments or chats?
Joan: There is a comment here from Joey: “How important it is to be purposeful in building
control and choice into interaction. Control and choice are what everybody wants; even
nonverbal children with autism want choice and control.
Mark says: There is visible improvement in her comfort as the session progressed.
Martha: Great.
Joan: Yes, you can see it happening quickly. Seany says, “I liked how the lady behind said she
benefited from being the marker. I feel like that when tagging my daughter.
Joan: Theresa says, “This is for the teacher just as much as it is for the learner.
Martha: Yes, all great comments.
Paige and Dog: Here is an example of using a shoulder tap instead of an acoustical marker. Paige has an intense fear of dogs as a result of being severely bitten. This is a session with a real dog after much therapy.
Lesson Progress
Lesson Navigation
Introduction to Module 4
Review and Agenda
Purpose of Reinforcement
Finding Good Reinforcers
The Tag as a Reinforcer
Video Examples
How to Reinforce Effectively
Reinforcement Schedules
Effective Reinforcement Delivery
Reinforcement Checklist
Wrap-Up and Q&A