Video 6: Tags on Ice
Martha: That was another really lovely video. If you have comments or questions, please submit
them. I have to say I was really moved when the little boy Mitchell was so proud, putting out his
arm to the teacher to get the points marked on his sleeve, and then he had it again when he went
back and showed his mom everything he had earned. So he was getting a lot of reinforcement
from multiple sources and it was just a great example of how reinforcing that is.
Joan: There is an actual DVD documentary on that program which we sell in our store. So if you
want to see more of that you can certainly get that.
Martha: That’s a wonderful program.
Joan: Joey is saying that, “My tennis coach Grant has been on medical leave, and we’re back to
just regular lessons. Last week he made the comment, ‘Thank you so much for teaching me
TAGteach. It’s so amazing for the learning experience.’”
Joan: Kathy says, “The tag taps into intrinsic reinforcers – the best kind.”
Joan: Mark says, “It’s always so neat when earning one tag leads to the subsequent increase in
the diversity of further available tags. The learner can see the applicability of learning new
Joan: That was one of the comments that Anne made to me about all this. One of the things it
teaches the children, or anybody, is how to learn. They learn that they can learn and they learn
how to learn.
Tags on Ice: Here is another example showing a way for learners to track their tags to trade in for tangible reinforcer later. Their tag count is recorded by the teacher on a label attached to the child’s clothes. There are lots of reinforcers involved here: success, confidence, fun, social praise and attention as well as the tags and tally marks that the kids are getting on their labels.
Lesson Progress
Lesson Navigation
Introduction to Module 4
Review and Agenda
Purpose of Reinforcement
Finding Good Reinforcers
The Tag as a Reinforcer
Video Examples
How to Reinforce Effectively
Reinforcement Schedules
Effective Reinforcement Delivery
Reinforcement Checklist
Wrap-Up and Q&A