How to Reinforce Effectively
We are going to start talking now about how to reinforce effectively.
As we’ve seen and as we’ve talked about in other webinars, kids like choices! So give the child a choice:
- Ask them what they want
- Do a preference assessment
- Use a Reward Menu with pictures of desired items, let the child pick
Activities can be great reinforcers. Here are some examples:
- Playing with water
- Playing with foam
- Going outside
- Swinging
- Jumping
- Going to the park or playground
- Going to the mall or the movies
Lesson Progress
Lesson Navigation
Introduction to Module 4
Review and Agenda
Purpose of Reinforcement
Finding Good Reinforcers
The Tag as a Reinforcer
Video Examples
How to Reinforce Effectively
Reinforcement Schedules
Effective Reinforcement Delivery
Reinforcement Checklist
Wrap-Up and Q&A