Parent Survey Responses
We asked parents and therapists to tell us their biggest concerns and challenges, and this is what they told us:
First Set of Responses
- Flexibility, adaptability
- Anger management
- Closeness with family
- Compliance
- Less stimming
- Academic, play skills
- Communication skills
- Problem solving skills
Second Set of Responses
- Decrease oral sensitivity, tooth brushing, flossing, successful dental/medical visits
- Self-help skills, dressing on time, tying shoes
- Fine motor skills, writing skills, ipad skills
- Timeliness, be on time
- Learning and completing multi-step tasks
- Socialize with other children
- Better transitions
- Sitting/standing still long enough to listen to directions, less movement/rushing about overall
- Self regulation, self-calm
- Respond to cues
- Better methods for dealing with unwanted behaviors
- Suggestions for reinforcers
We have tried to address as many of these as possible in this course. Where a specific issue is not addressed, the underlying skills required to manage the issue are covered.
Lesson Progress
Lesson Navigation
Parent Survey Responses
What it Means to Use TAGteach
What is a Tag Point?
Getting Started
More Complex Skills
Break it Down Further
Skill Example: Tink and Ball
Skill Example: Swinging
Know When to Stop
Q & A